This Spring, San Leandro Unified will continue with our conference-style Professional Learning Day (PLD). We look forward to seeing you and honoring Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta by engaging in professional learning in service of the students that they advocated for through their incredible movement organizing.
Each session is intended to shed light on our PLD driving question, which comes from our SLUSD Strategic Plan:
How do we Engage, Educate, and Empower SLUSD students?
Even further–how do we engage, educate, and empower SLUSD students that come with rich funds of knowledge and experiences that don’t always get activated in school? How do we break down the barriers for our multilingual learners, students with disabilities, our African American and Latinx students so they can show us the brilliance that they each hold?
Our hope is that this day will move us towards collectively answering these questions and providing learning experiences to allow all of our students to shine.
Please bring a charged laptop to your sessions. We can't wait to see you!
8:00am - 8:30am | Breakfast, Arts Education Center (AEC) |
8:30am - 9:30am | Keynote: Andratesha Fritzgerald, AEC Andratesha Fritzgerald is the founder and lead consultant of Building Blocks of Brilliance Educational Consulting Firm. As an international speaker Fritzgerald exhibits an audacious perseverance that calls organizations to evolve into inclusive antiracist safe zones for all learners. With over twenty years in education, she has served as a teacher, curriculum specialist, administrator, and director. Her award winning book Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning: Building Expressways to Success (CAST, 2020) has been a catalyst for UDL to ensure safety and radical inclusion in every learning community. For more information, please visit |
9:45am - 11:30am | AM Session, SLHS Main Campus |
11:30am - 12:30pm | Lunch, SLHS Main Quad Wellness Fair, SLHS Main Gym |
12:30pm - 1:00pm | Gather by School, SLHS Main Campus We will convene with site colleagues to reflect and plan |
1:00pm - 2:30pm | PM Session, SLHS Main Campus Options to support implementation: a) Structured Implementation with site colleagues b) Curriculum &Assessment trainings Room Assignments for Job-Alikes and Site Implementation time? |
2:30pm - 3:00pm | Closing, SLHS Main Campus |
3:00pm - 3:15pm | Evaluation with School colleagues, SLHS Main Campus |
We will open the March 2023 PLD with breakfast and a keynote address at the San Leandro Performing Arts Center - Arts Education Center (AEC), located at 2250 Bancroft Ave. The San Leandro High School student parking lot, right next door, will be open and there is also ample street parking in the neighborhood.
The majority of sessions, as well as lunch, will be at the Main campus of San Leandro High School, just north and next door to the AEC.
SLTA members and some CSEA members attend PLD. If you are a CSEA member please check with your supervisor regarding your assignment for the day.
Our PLD is connected to the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework, a research-based approach to teaching and learning to give all students opportunities to learn. In our district Strategic Plan, UDL is a tactic for SLUSD educators to provide responsive support structures for student success within the classroom.
As you participate in your sessions, we invite you to consider–how can I use this tool, strategy, or idea to help break down learning barriers and increase access for all of my students?
UDL is grounded in scientific research on how people learn and is broken down into a set of Principles that offer concrete suggestions on ensuring that all learners can access and participate in meaningful, challenging learning opportunities. Learn more about the Principles by following the links below.
Does the lesson provide options that help all learners
Does the lesson provide options that help all learners:
Does the activity provide options that help all learners:
PLD sessions are listed below. You can filter sessions by clicking on a grade band, job type, and/or session time. Specific target audiences for each session are in the session description. Clicking the "Show all" button will show all session offerings.
Register for a session by clicking on name of the session to expand that row, then click the "Register" button. Your selected sessions will show at the bottom of the screen under "Your Sessions." Most SLUSD staff will register for an AM Session and a PM Session. All-day sessions will be indicated as such in the session description.
If you want to change your registration before the deadline, you must unregister from a previous session before selecting a different one.
Registration deadline Wednesday, March 15.
If a session is full and you want to be added to a waitlist, or you have other questions, email
Understanding that All Behavior is Communication will help you Acknowledge Behaviors with Compassion. This workshop will cover and offer opportunities to practice de-escalation strategies that explore language, listening, connections, and choice. We will also discuss classroom management strategies that help minimize conflict and other circumstances that lead to escalated behaviors.
In this session, teachers will learn what art integration is, and the steps necessary to go from plan to action. Teachers will learn how to incorporate a range of art forms into standard lessons, providing students with different learning styles, languages, or cultures with more ways to communicate what they know, following a UDL approach. We will review a variety of resources so that teachers themselves have a choice in how to build a foundation of arts learning in their classroom. We would like for teachers to bring one lesson or one standard that has been difficult to teach, as an entry point in beginning this process. The goal here is that they will leave with a product that can be used immediately.
Join our keynote speaker in a session designed to give you the opportunity to make personal connections to the idea of Universal Design for Learning as an equity building framework as well as learn practical strategies to get started implementating in your classroom right away!
Everyone can dance! In this hands-on workshop, you'll get practical tools to build arts integration into your existing curriculum using creative movement, elements of dance, and simple techniques to get students motivated to create in community. In an engaging atmosphere through connective learning strategies, you'll gain a practical toolkit of ideas, lessons and classroom experiences that energize, empower, and positively push students to build critical thinking skills while having fun exploring movement, music, and rhythms from around the globe. See you on the dance floor...
Investigate tools for de-escalating students when there is a crisis in the classroom and tools for preventing a crisis before it even starts. Learn strategies for self-regulation during an unexpected situation in order to increase your ability to determine what student needs are being communicated and how to turn a crisis into a learning opportunity. And most importantly, explore strategies for self-care in these high-stress situations.
Support your ELL students with IEPs in your classrooms! Leave with an understanding of Designated versus Integrated ELD, compare differences and similarities between SLD and ELD designations (leaving with classroom moves that will support both learners), and begin examining Common Core and ELD standards to make a plan for addressing both in your classroom.
Are you looking to add a little more excitement to your classes? Research shows that interest and joy is key to long term learning! In this workshop, we will share strategies to turn class activities you already do into fun and engaging games, with rigor and integrity. Come have fun with us as we learn how to gamify our classrooms! [NOTE: repeated session from the fall PD day]
Participants will learn about practices that build healing-centered spaces where students feel safe to take the risks required in rigorous learning. The session will provide opportunities to learn about healing-centered, trauma-informed practices including building identity and belonging, honoring culture, and facilitating student agency, and then expand on how these elements can promote motivation and engagement for student success.
One of the biggest barriers in elementary science is time. At this session we address this through science integration. Explore using your ELA, ELD, History standards to create rich science experiences for students. Through experiencing an integrated arc of learning, participants will get ideas about how to create their own integrated lessons. (The model lesson will utilize an Amplify unit for the science portion)
Moving from Display to Documentation, this session will focus on how to uncover and document student thinking utilizing features from the Making Learning Visible (MLV) and Thinking Routines developed by Project Zero at Harvard. This approach reflects a transformation rather than an addition to your already well-developed teaching practice and can be applied to any age classroom!
The buffet is open! We will be exploring Number Talks, Picto-graphs, 3 Act Tasks, and small-group activities. The goal is to make math kinesthetic and meaningful for our students with interactive and social activities.
In this session we will explore a variety of tools to support Newcomers in all content area classes. We will practice strategies which support content learning and English Language development simultaneously. Session will include suggestions on how to create a classroom environment that is welcoming and supportive to newcomers as they navigate and become familiar with a new school experience.
We can't do the learning for them, but we can teach students to successfully guide their own learning paths. This session will model interactive practices to make learning goals and success criteria clearer for students to internalize. Then we will explore strategies that help students monitor their learning over time to guide their next steps. [note: repeated session from the fall PD day]
In her book Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning, Andratesha Fritzgerald challenges us to think about power, representation, and action as central to our students' learning and the curriculum. In this hands-on session, we'll take a look at your PBL project through this lens to identify how we can both remove barriers and create powerful action for your students. Join us as we align PBLWorks' equity levers and design elements with Fitzgerald's approach to make key revisions to your project.
In this workshop we will be using rhythms, beats and musical notations to explore patterns and numbers for younger grades and fractions for older students. Integrating music and math provides learners with a multimodal experience that is more memorable and accessible to those who learn best with their bodies and the cultural connections the music provides.
Practice how to get your students more comfortable with academic discourse and then how to scaffold up to more advanced conversation strategies. We will attend to community building and then move to strategies for academic meaning-making and assessment of understanding. Regardless of how much your students currently talk, you will leave with new practical strategies to help your students level up!
This session will focus on the implementation of small group guided reading in the 3-5 classroom. We will discuss how to create guided reading groups, model guided reading lessons at two different levels, and offer suggestions for how to support other students in the class at all levels while small group instruction is occurring.
We will focus on some specific supports that you can use in your small reading groups: supports that teach phonics, blending & segmenting, and guided reading strategies.
In this session we will explore some of the features of Reveal Math designed to guide student discussion. We will build on these features to plan routines for students to make sense of math ideas through talking with each other.
Speech and debate is a powerful way for students to express their identity, discover human connections, and speak their minds, especially when they are learning English. This session is experiential, so you will have a chance to try out activities and explore ways to accommodate diverse learner needs. You will walk away with concrete ideas for supporting multilingual learners to feel more comfortable constructing arguments based on textual analysis as well as lived experiences so they can combat powerlessness, prepare to use academic language in everyday contexts, and build meaningful connections with others.
The Bridge creates an opportunity in which English and Spanish are brought together in a strategic and planned way. Research indicates that tapping into students' full linguistic resources leads to higher levels of academic achievement and language development. In this session we will learn how to use the Bridge to transfer content knowledge from one language to the other as well as engage students in contrastive analysis.
This interactive IEP writing session will give participants the tools they need to draft effective IEPs. In this session, we will cover the IEP process, including drafting and running IEP meetings. The topics range from communicating with parents, writing data driven IEP goals, proper services, accommodations and modifications, as well as the legal compliance of the IEP. This session is for new SpEd teachers to build their IEP writing skills.
Meet with colleagues from your site to implement practices and strategies from the AM session. All Structured Implementation sessions will meet at FTK
This session will show you how to assess student reading using the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System. With this important information, you can make guided reading groups, monitor students' reading progress, design your small group instruction, and much more!
Target Audience: Office and Admin Assistants and Office Technicians; Counselors. Everyone deserves to feel emotionally healthy and supported. In this workshop, we will explore the many ways trauma shows up for ourselves and others. We will also examine ways to reduce the impact trauma has on our minds and bodies. Come experience SEL in action as we learn to cultivate safe, caring, and supportive learning communities where students and adults thrive.
For SLHS RSP/ MM teachers only: As a team we will review the differences between Designated and Integrated ELD, and create a plan of action for ownership of Designated ELD. We will take time to look at your specific classroom scholars and begin planning support for the remainder of the year while also beginning to problem- solve for future school years to ensure students are receiving all legal services and supports met with equitable best- practices.
This virtual session will address the following learning outcomes: - Know how learning progressions can help when planning instruction - Understand how recommended skills for students are identified - Navigate the software to find skill information and resources - Use data and resources as tools for planning instruction Participants should bring laptop to participate fully.
This initial professional development session focuses on introducing SLUSD high school math teachers to the Reveal Math program. The session in lcudes a hand-on of the print and digital resources for instruction. Teachers will be engaged in interactive exloration of teacher and student experience. As part of the session, teachers will be prepared for the first day of school ready to navigate the digital platform including the student experience, instructional resources, and assessments/reporting.
Learn the essentials of the SDC, RSP and intervention reading system with Sonday 1 & 2. These systems offer structured, systematic, multisensory resding intervention for beginning and intermediate readers in reading levels through 8th grade. Each lesson uses proven Orton-Gillingham methods to provide effective intervention in small-group settings. Appropriate for SDC, RSP, and Elementary academy-time settings.
In the session teachers will align studio and arts integration strategies and processes with best practices and approaches of UDL. Reflecting on focal students we will explore how to integrate creative rituals and routines to deepen student engagement. Teachers will leave with strategies they can bring right into your classroom. THIS IS AN ALL DAY SESSION. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SELECT A PM SESSION.
Session (in development) will review common and best practices in Adult Transition. Information will be sent directly to Adult Transition teachers. THIS IS AN ALL DAY SESSION. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SELECT A PM SESSION.
In this job-alike session, CTE teachers will collaborate on needs of the 2023-24 CTE program and edit the 2023-24 Perkins V plan that will be submitted to the California Department of Education. THIS IS AN ALL DAY SESSION. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SELECT A PM SESSION.
For Counseling Enriched Teachers only: AM and PM sessions will be a time to take a brief look at the past of the CE classroom, review and plan curriculum, design and share behavior supports and build positive classroom environments. THIS IS AN ALL DAY SESSION. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SELECT A PM SESSION.
First Aid and CPR/AED trains you to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illness. CPR/AED trains you to respond to cardiac and breathing emergencies. First Aid trains you to identify and respond to common sudden illnesses such as seizures, strokes, allergic reactions, poisoning and diabetic emergencies. All training classes include 2-year certifications, free digital training material and free digital certificates for each participant. THIS IS AN ALL DAY SESSION. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SELECT A PM SESSION.
We have partnered with BLAZE Consulting Group, led by Jenjii and Franklin Hysten who have designed a course for Campus Supervisors that will support the implementation of our District's Strategic Action Plan Goal #3 Equity-Centered Effective Employee Engagement. Specifically, this training focuses on operationalizing the key initiative of cultivating support for employees to deliver gold standard customer service that reflects our commitment to equity and inclusion.
Teachers will review program data on SLVA's first year to continue to design for student success. THIS IS AN ALL DAY SESSION. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SELECT A PM SESSION.
Participants of the Phase 1 working group will meet for planning session #3. The Ethnic Studies phase 1 working group is composed of high school teachers and administrators that are unpacking AB 101 in order to make suggestions and recommendations that will require Ethnic Studies as a graduation requirement for the class of 2030. THIS IS AN ALL DAY SESSION. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SELECT A PM SESSION.
Sessions (under development) will be offered to elementary PE Specialists and PE Teachers. Information will be sent directly to PE Specialists and Teachers. THIS IS AN ALL DAY SESSION. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SELECT A PM SESSION.
AM session: Assessments Review In an effort to maintain best practice, assessment tools are updated regularly. Updates require that new assessment kits be purchased Psychologists must have a comprehensive understanding of how to use the updated tools and what processes they have been developed to evaluate. Focus will center around Conners-4 and the DAS-update including Q-Global scoring and Spanish normative updates in advance of ordering for 2023-2024. PM session: Case Consultation: Psychologists will collaborate and consult around urgent high needs cases while considering the influence of multiple factors in pupil achievement. As a team, the psychologists will define presenting difficulties, and develop goals and implementation strategies around complex assessments. THIS IS AN ALL DAY SESSION. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SELECT A PM SESSION.
In this session, secondary counselors will engage in professional development activities that support programs. THIS IS AN ALL DAY SESSION. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SELECT A PM SESSION.
Using Rescue Therapies in Epilepsy Care; Diabetes Update from Alameda County School Nurse Coalition; Home Care of Pediatric Tracheostomies, Ventilators, and G-Tubes THIS IS AN ALL DAY SESSION. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SELECT A PM SESSION.
Amy Graham, Jennie Bjorem, and Rebecca Reinking are speech-language pathologists with a special interest in treating a wide range of speech sound disorders. Learn how to make your assessments more robust and get the information you need for treatment. This course will teach attendees how to easily incorporate phonological awareness activities into therapy sessions, and highlight what is missing from your childhood apraxia of speech intervention. Combining evidence-based practice with real-life clinical experience, you will level up your speech sound disorders knowledge with practical tips and easy-to-understand information that you can immediately implement. THIS IS AN ALL DAY SESSION. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SELECT A PM SESSION. Recorded Three Hour Webinar (Link will be mailed to participants) Sponsored by Bright Ideas Media, LLC Eligible to receive 0.3 ASHA CEUs